
The process of tracking internal comments to respond to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) can be a time-consuming and manual task for Native American tribes and organizations involved in cultural resource management. However, with the advent of easy form generators like Survey123 for ArcGIS and advanced automation technologies like ActiveG Nash Workflows, this burdensome process can be transformed into an efficient and streamlined workflow. In this blog post, we will explore how Nash can be harnessed to automate SHPO comment tracking, enabling tribes to better manage their cultural resources and engage in meaningful dialogue with regulatory bodies.

Understanding SHPO Comment Tracking

State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPOs) play a vital role in preserving and protecting historic properties and cultural resources within a state. They review projects and provide comments to ensure compliance with federal and state historic preservation laws. For tribes and Native American organizations, it is crucial to stay informed about SHPO projects related to their ancestral lands or cultural resources.

Traditionally, SHPO comment tracking involved manually reviewing various sources, such as email notifications, online portals, and physical correspondence. This process often resulted in delays, missed comments, and administrative overhead, making it challenging for tribes to respond effectively and in a timely manner.

Introducing ActiveG’s Nash Automation

ActiveG’s Nash is an innovative automation platform that leverages visual programming/processing capabilities to streamline complex workflows. By automating repetitive tasks, Nash empowers organizations to optimize their operational efficiency, enhance productivity, and focus on high-value activities.

  1. Centralized Comment Aggregation: Nash eliminates the need to aggregate comments from various sources, such as SHPO emails, online portals, and physical mail. This ensures that no comment goes unreported and minimizes the need for manual data entry.
  2. Real-time Notifications and Alerts: Nash can be configured to send real-time notifications and alerts whenever a new SHPO request for comment is received. This ensures that tribes and organizations are promptly informed about developments and can take timely action.
  3. Workflow Streamlining: Nash enables the creation of customized workflows, incorporating approval processes and task assignments. This ensures that the relevant stakeholders within the tribe or organization are involved in the response and follow-up actions.
  4. Analytics and Reporting: Because Nash is built on ESRI Feature Services, ArcGIS dashboards and analytic capabilities can provide valuable insights into SHPO comment trends, response times, and overall engagement. Such data can aid in identifying patterns, informing decision-making, and improving future interactions with SHPOs.

Benefits and Future Potential

By automating SHPO comment tracking using ActiveG Nash Workflows, tribes and Native American organizations can experience several benefits:

Time and Cost Savings: Automation eliminates manual tasks, reducing the time and effort required for SHPO comment tracking. This enables organizations to allocate resources more efficiently and focus on strategic activities.

Improved Compliance: Nash automation ensures that all SHPO comments are captured and reviewed promptly. This helps tribes and organizations maintain compliance with regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of penalties or delays in project implementation.

Enhanced Communication: Real-time notifications and streamlined workflows facilitate effective communication within the tribe or organization. This allows for faster response times, collaborative decision-making, and improved engagement with SHPOs.

Long-term Data Insights: By leveraging ESRI’s analytics capabilities, tribes can gain valuable insights into SHPO comment trends, enabling them to proactively address recurring concerns and build stronger relationships with regulatory bodies.


ActiveG’s Nash automation presents an opportunity for tribes and Native American organizations to revolutionize their SHPO comment tracking processes. By centralizing and automating the collection, categorization, and management of SHPO comments, tribes can optimize their cultural resource management efforts and engage more effectively with regulatory bodies. The use of Nash not only saves time and resources but also ensures compliance and fosters meaningful communication in the pursuit of preserving and protecting cultural heritage.